Can a working mother ever get something done without stress or being interrupted?

I doubt if you would even sleep without being interrupted.

You are working from home and your babies and toddlers are running and jumping and crawling on you trying to get in on your virtual team meetings yet you are able to control everything and respond like the atmosphere is perfect (thank God for the mute audio option) or; you are back from work at 7 pm and you are cooking dinner, loading the washing machine, looking through your children’s schoolwork, and responding to a call from a friend or family all at once.How else would we stay sane if multitasking wasn’t a really helpful life skill that keeps all the wheels turning?

Working mothers are very good at multitasking: family, work, money – they seem to do it all and they want to give their best everywhere. They are strong. Saddled with many responsibilities, they are motivated by love, family and their results. Even when they are unrewarded, they focus on their goals.

However, all that responsibility can often leave mothers feeling overstretched and stressed out.

Every morning, I focus on checking things off my usual to-do list and the pressure to be a “Superwoman” – one who works, nurtures, cooks, cleans, loves, prays, plays, teaches, disciplines, etc. – settles in. By the time dinner is ready, I’m counting down the minutes to bedtime.

Then, I realize how exhausted I am, never fully enjoying life and family; instead, I’m barely pushing through. I often go to sleep reflecting on this, promising the next day will be better.

These facts contributed to my generalized anxiety disorder and compulsive disorder recently because, in trying to “do everything,” my mind never shuts off. That’s when I realized, it’s time to change something.

But, is it possible to relieve stress by just changing one thing?


In my search for a solution, I discovered a few simple individual stress relievers that I am going to share with you. You can try them too. Anyone you choose will have a significant impact on your stress levels.

  1. Change Your Routine:
    Your daily routine might be causing you stress. If you feel that the piled-up assignments, paperwork, backlog of emails, messy kitchen, laundry, and so on, is increasing your stress level, then relax and deal with the organization issue. Get organized. You have a better sense of control when you are prepared and more organized. Having too much to manage at once can be overwhelming.

Take a short break; say 20 minutes to engage in any relaxation technique such as meditation or deep breathing while pressing on your stress relief balls. This will help reduce your stress level and increase your ability to stay calm under pressure.

Get stress relief balls with inspirational quotes HERE. They will enable you to stay positive even in the most stressful situations in life, whether at work or at home.

Now, make a list of everything that you have going on or that is worrying you, and then prioritize your list based on need and what you can realistically do about each item. This will help you achieve a better sense of control.

  1. Change Your Diet:
    When you are stressed up, getting a bottle of alcoholic beverages or soft drink, a bag of chips, sweets, or candies might be a great idea but you’ll be better off taking water and munching an apple or carrots. The food you eat can affect your ability to cope with stress. Instead of eating processed food, refined carbohydrates, and sugary snacks, you should consider eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein, and omega-3 Fatty acids.

You should also try Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, Lemon Flavor – 1280 mg Omega-3-90 Soft Gels – It has High-Potency Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplement with EPA & DHA which promotes Brain & Heart Health. This will help your body better cope with your daily activities.

It is important to also let you know that you need to stay hydrated. Drink enough water. Your body will easily fight the negative effects of stress when it is properly nourished and hydrated.

  1. Change Your Sense of Control:
    Stress is more likely to knock you off if you are controlled by your environment and circumstances. You need to change that quickly. When you begin to have confidence in yourself and you possess the ability to influence events and persevere through challenges, you will overcome stress easily. Be hopeful and optimistic, embrace challenges, have a strong sense of humour, talk to friends, ask for help, learn, believe in yourself and accept change as part of life.

You need to also work on your emotions. Learn to calm and soothe yourself when you are sad, angry or troubled. This will help increase your tolerance to stress.

  1. Change Your Sleep Pattern:
    When you are tired, your stress level increases and it causes you to think irrationally. You need to take time to rest and sleep well. You don’t have to finish the work! As a matter of fact, work never finishes. Trying to push further when it’s bedtime and you are tired might lead to chronic stress and will disrupt your sleep.

If you are already having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, try this Sleep Fairy Natural Sleep Aid. It’s a non-habit forming anxiety & insomnia relief supplement. It will improve your sleep and you will feel less stressed and more productive and emotionally balanced.

  1. Change Your Body Movement:
    While you are involved in your daily routine, remember to move your body regularly. If your work requires that you sit for long hours, stand up and stretch your legs for just 2 minutes in 30 minutes. Move that body. Don’t stand for too long and don’t sit for too long.

Also, get some exercise. Exercise produces stress-relieving hormones. If you do not already have an exercise routine and you do not engage in physical activity, get out a few times in a week and take a brisk walk for about 30 minutes. This will also give you time to be alone with your thoughts.

You may also want to try this 5-Minute Stress Relief: 75 Exercises to Quiet Your Mind and Calm Your Body. It delivers simple and effective solutions that will help you feel calm in a snap. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or traveling, 5-Minute Stress Relief has an exercise to help ease your stressful situation. Discover how you can recenter and recompose yourself by watering your plants, practicing yoga, or making a gratitude list. Breathe deeply and get ready to relax.

Since stress is an inevitable part of life for every woman, it’s important that you learn how to manage it so that it doesn’t take control of your life and wreak havoc on your health. Don’t assume that you can just “power through”, or put off self-care in order to keep up with the multiple responsibilities of home, work, and family.

Remember, you are always going to be in a better position to care for your family, manage your household, and keep up with work and other responsibilities when you put your own good health first.

So, the next time you find yourself dealing with a little more than you can easily handle, try any of the tips mentioned above for better stress management. You might as well learn how to choose happiness in marriage.

Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means the seller will know that I referred you to their product, and I’ll get a small percentage of the sale. However, I don’t take your trust for granted, so I only recommend products I’ve used personally and stand behind 100%.

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