Many wives feel that the work facing them is never done. For the diligent homemaker who works and takes care of her husband and children, that’s her reality every day. It is work, work, and more work. A woman’s work is never done!

You’ve had a long busy day, the children have just gone to bed and your to-do list for the day is not exhausted because there’s one more thing to do – sex.

A lot of women feel this way most of the time. I do too but, it’s wrong.

In the early years of my marriage, just as most wives, I hardly came out of our apartment to take fresh air because of the excitement of falling in love. I was easily turned on by my husband’s gentle voice, laughter, touch and romance which often led to a pleasurable moment of intimacy.

But as the pressures of work, house chores and care of the children began to set in, our sex life declined. Life issues from worrying about money to deadlines at work and everyday stress gradually reduced my libido. This lack of interest from me led to a lack of interest from my husband which further intensified my stress level because we started having marital issues. We were drifting apart and I was almost losing my marriage. I had to do something about it fast. Here is how to manage the everyday stress in your marriage 

Marcus and Ashley Kusi’s book, Emotional and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage shares over 69 simple, yet effective ways to rekindle intimacy, romance and the passion you once had. Plus, a 30-Day and 12-Month intimacy challenge for couples; which is about practicing intimacy in your marriage every single day. This book was really helpful in re-igniting our love.

You see, marriage without emotional and sexual intimacy is bound to be unfulfilling. So, if you want to enhance intimacy in your marriage, rekindle your romance and have satisfying sex with your spouse then this book, Emotional and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, is for you.

Sexual intimacy in marriage is pleasurable. Its importance is not just to have fun; it also strengthens the couple’s bond, helping them to face the many challenges of life together. Couples who are passionate about each other can more easily solve problems, including such things as dealing with children, extended family, and financial issues.

Frequent sexual activity in marriage definitely has plenty of bonuses. Let’s consider them:

Sex promotes intimacy between married couples.

You share everything, and there’s a good bond in your relationship. If your marriage has lost the sexual chemistry you had at the beginning, what you need is a little more sex to bring it back.

Regular sex helps you relax well.

After a long busy day at work, sex is a great stress reliever. It gives plenty of bonding time with your partner in bed. And then there’s all the good night’s sleep you’ll get after that. Though a good work out is not recommended just before sleep, sex is an exception to it. It is said to decrease body temperature and promote deep sleep.

Great sex enhances honest communication with your partner at all times.

Building up to it is what makes sex so much more enjoyable, especially for women. It helps them feel a deep connection with their man and truly loves the intercourse. Sexually satisfied couples will tell you that sex isn’t confined only to the bedroom; the roots extend well beyond, into their everyday lives.

Sexual intimacy helps in problem-solving.

Couples work through their disagreements more lovingly as they look beyond their differences to find common ground that works for both instead of engaging in long arguments and power struggle. It rekindles lost romance and reminds them of the trust they share even in the midst of their toughest struggles. You’ll almost think they don’t quarrel because they don’t need to a third party to settle.

Sex builds confidence.

No woman enjoys being in a marriage that lacks physical passion. We all want to be desired. Passionate sex indicates that your partner is still into you. Having him come back to you wanting more is a great self-esteem booster for every woman. On the other hand, withdrawal and poor sexual performance can eventually drive your husband to look for other means outside the marriage.

So you see, sexual intercourse plays a pivotal role in marriage. If you’ve slipped into the bad habit of making it a chore rather than a pleasurable act, your marriage may be headed for trouble, fix it. Intimacy is the glue that holds the union together.

Sex is not a chore, it is a pleasurable act. Don’t treat it like you are mopping the floor of your home or you are typing the minutes of the last meeting. Get it off your to-do list.

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