Motherhood, what does it mean?

When we see a mother, what comes to our mind is, a compassionate lady who sacrifices all her comforts and works ceaselessly in the home taking care of her children without expecting any monetary reward. Right?

Yes, motherhood means sacrifice and pain from day one of conception. But this pain and sacrifice bring forward a beautiful feeling in a woman after she brings forth her children and finds that they are happy and healthy. That is the only reward she desires.

While some ladies become mothers when they are not yet prepared for it, a lot of women in marriage will give anything to experience motherhood. Asides from the many pressures mounted on them by family, friends, and society at large, for every woman, the desire to become a mother comes from within. If she doesn’t get pregnant a few months after her wedding, it becomes a big issue and she gets really agitated. Nothing else matters to her than getting pregnant and having her own children.

I got pregnant just two months into my marriage. The excitement and joy I felt when the pregnancy test came out positive was so much that the fever and nausea that took me to the clinic disappeared. My husband’s love for me doubled as soon as he got the news and I felt a special kind of happiness. He pampered me so much with a lot of gifts and affection. But, we lost that pregnancy at 10weeks.

Instead of concentrating on getting well and recovering from the pain and damage caused by the miscarriage, I blamed myself for not taking enough care and precaution before and during pregnancy. This guilt feeling was so traumatic that it took the intervention of my husband and our gynecologist who counseled and put me on therapy to heal up fast and get pregnant again. The result was a very healthy baby girl 12 months after.

Preparing For A Healthy Pregnancy/Motherhood

The moment you start thinking about having a baby, whether it’s your first, second, or last baby, you need to get your body ready for the healthiest pregnancy possible. Ideally, you should start preparing for pregnancy at least three months before conception. The following important tips will help prepare your body for pregnancy and ensure you have a healthy baby.

1. Stop Birth Control – If you want to get pregnant, you will have to discontinue any birth control method you are using. In fact, it is possible to get pregnant immediately you stop the contraceptives. Most women see their periods within two weeks and their cycle begins immediately. That’s why you are advised to use a birth control method that doesn’t affect your fertility when you are not ready for conception. Barrier methods such as the condomdiaphragm, and spermicides are medically safe and instantly reversible which makes them ideal for use during the pre-conception stage. Natural family planning is another good form of contraception during this time and it has the added advantage of helping you to understand your fertility pattern. However, it is important to let you know that it can take between one and eighteen months for ovulation to return to normal, depending on the birth control method you were using. So track your menstrual cycle within the next few months to identify and narrow down your fertility window.

2. Eat Well – Follow a well-planned diet to help prepare your body for conception and avoid complications such as morning sickness, fatigue, anemia, and constipation. Your healthy diet must continue during and after pregnancy if you plan to breastfeed your baby. Your diet should include plenty of complex and unrefined carbohydrates, appropriate quantities of yellow and green leafy vegetables, dairy products, fruits rich in vitamin C like berries and citrus fruits.

Ideally, your pregnancy diet should include 3-4 servings of protein and meat, 2-4 servings of fruit, 6-11 servings of grains, 4-6 servings of dairy products, and 6-8 glasses of water, milk, and juice. Avoid fatty foods and caffeine. To have a wonderful experience through motherhood, you must quit tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. You must follow a healthy diet that will benefit the coming baby and maintain your general health as well.

3. Take Multivitamins With Folic Acid – Vitamins are imperative to the health of a developing baby and the wellbeing of the mother. While you are choosing foods that are rich in vitamins and other minerals, give yourself a boost by taking a multivitamin to bridge any gaps especially if you are working. Better yet, Pregnacare Before Conception contains all the prenatal vitamins and 400mcg of folic acid specifically formulated to give your body what it needs during pregnancy. Pregnacare Before Conception should be taken for at least three months before becoming pregnant and until the 4th week of pregnancy. This will help you avoid any nutritional deficiencies during early pregnancy.

4. Keep Fit – Exercise is another great way to prepare your body for pregnancy. It will promote strength, muscle tone, and endurance. Regular activity during before and during pregnancy will help alleviate swelling, fatigue, and backache. If you expect to remain fit during your pregnancy you will need to work your heart and major muscle groups. The type of exercise you do will depend on your fitness level. Walking and swimming are excellent exercises combined with stretching and other low-impact activities.

You will need to alter your exercise routine once you get pregnant to accommodate your baby and growing body. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising to reduce the risk of dehydration.

5. Have Sex Regularly – When sex becomes a chore, fix it immediately. Get intimate with your husband and make love passionately. After all, that’s what will get you pregnant. Don’t worry about timing sex if you don’t have any known fertility issues. Have regular unprotected sex throughout your cycle. Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant will help you enjoy good sex even when you are dry, it keeps you lubricated. It is a conception safe lube for couples trying to get pregnant. It contains Magnesium and Calcium. It mimics ovulation fluids so that sperm is not hindered; in fact, the pH range and isotonic properties work together, helping to lead the body to pregnancy.

Sex is pleasurable. Its importance is not just to have fun or children; it also strengthens the couple’s bond, helping you to face the many challenges of life together including such things as dealing with pregnancy and children. It will also help you rest well and get good sleep.

6. Visit Your Doctor – The journey to motherhood includes visiting a doctor. If you are planning to get pregnant, visit your doctor with your partner, and talk to him about preconception health care. Discuss your health history and any medical condition you have that may hinder your pregnancy. You also need to let him know if you have had pregnancy problems in the past. He will advise you on the necessary steps to take and vaccinations or medication you might need before the pregnancy.

Once you are pregnant, be sure to maintain all your new healthy habits and see your doctor regularly throughout pregnancy for prenatal care. Being pregnant is a wonderful event and will affect your body for 9 months. Following the important tips mentioned above will help prepare your body for pregnancy and ensure you have a healthy baby.

Having a baby doesn’t mean you have to give up a lot of enjoyable activities. Adapt a relaxation technique that will allow you to be more prepared especially for the labor. As your baby grows, take time to pamper yourself and bond more with your husband. Get beautiful maternity clothes that will enhance your appearance. Having a baby doesn’t mean you should stop paying attention to yourself. Also, let your husband know that it is part of being pregnant that you have mixed emotions sometimes. Although your husband might not share with you the pains of having a baby, he will understand your emotions and give the loving support you need. After all, a happy Mom is also a happy baby.

Celebrate motherhood. It is something to really look forward to.

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