5 Things No One Ever Tells You About S*x After Marriage

5 Things No One Ever Tells You About S*x After Marriage:- Marriage is supposed to be the pinnacle of your romantic life, right? People often talk about the first time they got married and how it was an incredibly joyful experience. But no one talks about what comes after marriage when it comes to s*x. Nobody ever mentions that s*x after marriage isn’t always a smooth ride. There are a lot of things at play — from different expectations to the mundane aspects of everyday life — that can make it difficult to keep the spark alive in your relationship. In this blog post, we’ll explore five things no one ever tells you about s*x after marriage, so you can be better informed on how to keep things spicy in your relationship.

5 Things No One Ever Tells You About S*x After Marriage

The honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever

When you’re first married, everything is new and exciting. The physical intimacy is often overwhelmingly passionate. But as time goes on, that passionate spark can start to fizzle. It’s not necessarily a bad thing – after all, you’re getting to know each other in a whole new way – but it can be a bit of a shock if you’re not expecting it.

There are plenty of ways to keep the flame alive, though. Make time for each other, try new things together, and keep communication open. Most importantly, don’t forget why you fell in love in the first place. With a little effort, you can keep the spark burning bright for many years to come.

You will have to work at keeping the spark alive

The first thing to know about s*x after marriage is that it takes work to keep the spark alive. Just like anything else in a long-term relationship, you can’t just let things go and expect them to stay exciting. It’s important to put effort into your s*xual relationship to keep things fresh and exciting.

There are a few things you can do to keep the spark alive in your s*x life:

1. Talk about s*x with your partner. Discuss what you both like and don’t like, what you’re both comfortable with trying, and be open to new ideas.

2. Make time for s*x. Even if you’re tired or not in the mood, sometimes all it takes is getting started to get yourself in the mood. Set aside time each week for a date night where the focus is solely on each other and getting intimate.

3. Be spontaneous. Plan surprise dates or weekend getaways where you can focus on each other without distractions. Or try something new and unexpected during your next session together.

4. Keep things fresh by trying new things together. This could be anything from exploring different fantasies or role-playing games, to trying new positions or experimenting with toys or bondage gear. The key is to find something that both of you are comfortable with and excited about trying.

5. Communicate with each other during s*x. This means letting each other know what feels good, giving feedback on techniques, and simply enjoying the moment together.

Remember that it’s normal for your s*x life to change over time. With effort, you can keep the spark alive and have a fulfilling sexual relationship throughout your marriage.

You will have to communicate about your needs

One of the most important things to keep in mind about s*x after marriage is that you will need to communicate about your needs. This is especially true if you have different s*xual appetites or if one person has a higher s*x drive than the other.

It’s important to be open and honest with your partner about what you want and need in order to maintain a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. If you’re not comfortable communicating about s*x, it may be helpful to consult a s*x therapist or counsellor who can help you learn how to express your needs.

Your s*x life will change as you age

As you age, your s*x life will change. You may have less interest in s*x, or you may have more difficulty becoming aroused or reaching orgasm. These changes are normal, and they don’t mean that you’re no longer s*xual beings. There are things you can do to keep your s*x life enjoyable, whether that means trying new positions or toys, watching erotic videos together, or simply communicating with each other about what you like and don’t like. Don’t be afraid to experiment and explore different ways of being s*xual with each other.

5 Things No One Ever Tells You About S*x After Marriage

You may go through periods of celibacy

You may go through periods of celibacy. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or your relationship. It can just be a phase you’re going through. Maybe you’re not in the mood for s*x, or maybe you’re just too tired. Either way, it’s perfectly normal to go through periods of time where you’re not interested in s*x.


S*x after marriage has its own set of complexities and nuances that can make it even more worthwhile than before. Learning to balance intimacy, communication, listening, and experimentation can lead to a stronger relationship with your partner and better s*xual experiences for both of you. As long as you remain open to learning about each other’s needs and desires, there is no limit on the amount pleasure that awaits in married s*x life!

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