Submission in marriage at the first thought of it , what comes to mind? A wife who is submissive to her husband? A husband who controls his wife? The reality is, submission in marriage is not about one person being in control of the other. Rather, it is about both spouses working together as a team. Each spouse has their own role to play and each contributes to the relationship in their own way. In this blog post, we will explore what submission in marriage really looks like. We will also dispel some common myths about submission and explain how it can actually help improve your marriage.

The definition of submission

In marriage, submission is often defined as a wife’s voluntary surrender to her husb and’s leadership in the relationship. This does not mean that she is inferior to him or lacks equality in the relationship. Rather, it means that she willingly places herself under his authority and follows his lead.
This definition of submission can be applied to other areas of life outside of marriage. For example, submission in the workplace may refer to an employee’s willingness to follow their boss’s direction. In a classroom setting, submission may refer to a student’s deferment to their teacher’s knowledge and experience.

Submission is not always easy. It often requires us to set aside our own desires and preferences in order to follow someone else’s lead. But when we submit to authority figures in our lives, we are choosing to trust their expertise and wisdom. We are also choosing to respect their position of authority.

The biblical case for submission

When it comes to submission in marriage, the Bible is clear that this is a God-ordained institution. In Ephesians 5:22-24, we see that Paul instructs wives to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord. This is not a suggestion, but a command. And we see in 1 Peter 3:1-6 that Peter tells wives to be submissive to their husbands so that they may be won over without a word by the conduct of their wives.

So what does submission look like? First and foremost, it is an attitude of respect and honor towards one’s husband. It is not about being a doormat or putting up with abuse. Rather, it is willingly choosing to defer to your husband’s leadership out of love and trust for him. This will look different in every marriage, but some examples might include following his lead on decisions about finances, childrearing, household responsibilities, etc.

Of course, submission is not a one-way street – husbands are also called to love their wives sacrificially (Ephesians 5:25). This means putting her needs above your own and leading the family with humility and grace. When both husband and wife are submitted to each other and working together as a team, that’s when you truly see the beauty of God’s design for marriage.

How to submit to your husband

In order to submit to your husband, you need to be willing to put his needs above your own. This means that you need to be willing to sacrifice your own desires in order to meet his. It also means that you need to be willing to follow his lead and allow him to make the decisions in the relationship. Submission is not about giving up your power or becoming a doormat; it’s about showing your husband that you trust him and respect him enough to let him take the lead.

When not to submit to your husband

There are a few exceptions to the rule of submitting to your husband. If he is asking you to do something that is clearly immoral or illegal, you don’t have to do it. Additionally, if submitting to your husband would mean compromising your own safety or the safety of your children, you also don’t have to do it. Other than those two instances, submission should be the default mode of operation in marriage.

FAQs about submission

When it comes to submission in marriage, there are a lot of questions that come up. Here are some FAQs about submission in marriage that can help clear things up.

What does it mean to submit to your husband?

Submission simply means surrendering your own will to the Lord’s will and yielding to your husband’s leadership in the home. It is not about him having control over you or making all the decisions for you. Rather, it is about you both submitting to God’s plan for your marriage and working together as a team.

Why is submission important in marriage?

Submission is important because it helps create unity in the home and shows respect for one another. When husbands and wives submit to each other out of love, it creates an atmosphere of love, mutual respect, and teamwork.
How can I submit to my husband without feeling like I’m being controlled?

The key is communication! If you feel like your husband is trying to control you, talk to him about it. Pray together about decisions that need to be made and seek wise counsel from others. Also, remember that submission is not always easy – there will be times when you have to yield even when you don’t necessarily agree with your husband. But if you both are submitted to God, He will give you the grace and wisdom you need to get through those tough times.

How To Submit To Your Wife

If you want to submit to your wife, the first thing you need to do is communicate with her. Talk about what submission means to you and why you feel it is important. Listen to her point of view and try to understand where she is coming from. Once you have a good understanding of each other’s perspective, you can start working on submitting to her in your marriage.
Some ways you can submit to your wife are by doing things that she asks you to do, supporting her decisions, and following her lead. It is also important to be attentive to her needs and desires. When you are able to serve your wife and meet her needs, it will help create a stronger bond between the two of you.

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