Intimacy In Marriage: 7 Common Lies You Should Ignore!

Intimacy In Marriage: is about being open and comfortable with your partner, so you’re not afraid to be vulnerable. When it comes to your marriage, the term “intimacy” is more about being close to your partner.

Some people love each other deeply, but they still have trouble connecting intimately. This may happen when one partner is shy or afraid to let others be close to them.

Intimacy In Marriage: 7 Common Lies You Should Ignore!

It is important to know that intimacy and s3x aren’t necessarily the same thing. Often, people wind up using these terms interchangeably, but this isn’t quite accurate. It’s possible to be intimate without being s3xual. Conversely, you can have a great s3xual relationship with your partner without being intimate.

A lot of married couples want to spice up their love and enjoy intimacy but they allow themselves to be restricted by some common lies.

These common lies about s3xual intimacy have crippled their love life and caused a lot of problems for their marriage.

The most special thing about being married is that there are no lovemaking techniques or methods that are sinful as long as you both don’t feel guilty about it.

There are some ideas or styles that some couples find great which may sound ridiculous to you while some that you find enjoyable may sound ridiculous to others. That doesn’t make any of them bad.

Choose the ones that you enjoy and leave the ones you do not agree with. Just make sure you spice up your love life and enjoy yourselves.

Let’s go through some of these common lies about intimacy one after the other.

The Larger And Longer The Penis Of The Husband The Better He Is In Lovemaking.

It is not true. The size of the penis is not related to the function of the penis; a husband with a small penis is as s3xually aggressive as a husband with a larger one. He can provide as much s3xual satisfaction to his wife.

The Circumcised Husband Takes Longer Time To Reach Orgasm Than The Uncircumcised One.

This is also not true. Circumcision does not determine the time a man reaches orgasm but, the mind.

Clitoris In The Female Makes Them Promiscuous In Nature

No! Promiscuity has nothing to do with the female clitoris. It has more to do with whether the lady is disciplined or given to a reprobate mind.

This lie has led to female circumcision in a lot of families and communities. Note that, female circumcision is a very harmful traditional practice involving the removal of part of or the whole organs of the vulva of the female.

This mutilating process is performed to prevent promiscuity. This procedure is not only dangerous to the health of the woman but it also is not justified on any grounds. It leads to several complications ranging from excessive bleeding to difficulty in s3xual fulfillment in marriage.

Big Bre@sts Make A Wife More Appealing To Her Husband

No!. Both big and small breasted wives stimulate and appear attractive to their husbands the same way. When your husband chose you for marriage, he did so because you were the one he preferred. So do not get upset about some unchangeable features you consider not s3xy enough.

Remember that your unique feature was part of the completeness in you that he loved when he married you.

If You Make Love Too Often, You Will Likely Give Birth To More Baby Girls Than Boys.

No! S3x is meant to be enjoyed whenever you want it whether you are planning to conceive or not. However, as you advance in age, it is advisable to avoid frequent intercourse and allow the testes (sperm-producing organs) to rest.

If the testes are allowed to rest and do not produce spermatozoa frequently, it is likely to produce a mature and enough number of spermatozoa and this will help the chromosomes to be well-formed. It is the chromosomes that determine the formation of a baby whether boy or girl.

Too Much S3x Makes A Woman Age Faster

As long as you engage in s3x with your husband, there is no amount of it that will make you look older than your age. In fact, it should make you younger and healthier because s3x is a product of love and love appreciates it doesn’t depreciate.

But, like every other thing that is abused, when s3x is perverted, i.e., having multiple partners, there’s bound to be wear and tear.

As A Woman Enters Menopause She Will Not Enjoy S3x Anymore

This is not true. S3xual vibrancy is more of a psychological thing than a physiological one. You just need to bring newness and romance to spice up your love and marriage. And you will enjoy it as always.

Have we missed something? Is there a topic or question that you would like answered? Post your question in the comment section below this content and we will get back to you with an answer!


Why marriages should be intimate relationships?

Marriage should be the most intimate relationship anybody experiences in life. It should be more intimate than a friendship, a mother-daughter relationship, a father-son relationship, a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, etc. But sadly, many couples often feel distant and alone in marriage.


Also Read: Choose Happiness In Marriage!

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