7 signs you are being emotionally controlled by your in-laws

7 signs you are being emotionally controlled by your in-laws:- When you’re first married, you may be so excited to get married and start your life together that you can’t wait to please your in-laws. After all, they are family members and you want to make them happy. But as your relationship with your in-laws progresses, it’s likely that you begin to feel like they are controlling you. They might tell you what to do and how to do it, or they may try to stop you from seeing your friends or doing anything that they deem inappropriate. If you think your in-laws are emotionally controlling you, there are a few things you can do to regain control of your life. Read on for tips on how to deal with emotionally controlling in-laws.

7 signs you are being emotionally controlled by your in-laws

You feel like you can’t voice your opinions or don’t feel like you can tell them how you’re feeling

If you find that voicing your opinions or telling your in-laws how you’re feeling is difficult, it may be because you feel like you can’t win. You may feel like you’ll get into an argument and that will only make things worse. Additionally, if you’ve been raised to be polite and not speak out of turn, it may be hard for you to break the habit. This silence can create a lot of tension in the household, which can eventually lead to resentment on both sides. If this situation is affecting your quality of life, it’s important to speak up and ask for what you need. No one deserves to live in an emotionally abusive household.

You feel like you’re always wrong and there’s no escape from their gaze

1. You feel like you’re always wrong and there’s no escape from their gaze.
2. You feel like you have no control over your life or your emotions.
3. They make all the decisions for you, and it feels like you’re just a doll to them.
4. You constantly feel like you need to apologize for everything, even if you haven’t done anything wrong.
5. You find yourself reacting in ways that make them happy instead of your own desires or needs.

You feel like you’re not allowed to make decisions for yourself and that everything has to be approved by them first

If you feel like you’re not allowed to make decisions for yourself, or that everything has to be approved by them first, this could be a sign that you are being emotionally controlled by your in-laws. If they are constantly telling you what to do and how to do it, it can be very difficult to feel autonomous and comfortable in your own skin.

This type of control can come from a number of sources, including intimidation, fear and guilt. If you find yourself feeling helpless and like you have no choice but to obey your in-laws, it may be time to take steps towards breaking free. There are many ways to assert yourself within the family unit without resorting to anger or hostility. By speaking up and standing up for what’s best for you, you will able to create a more balanced relationship with your in-laws and regain some measure of independence.

You’re scared to disagree with them because you don’t know how they’ll react

If you find yourself constantly in agreement with your in-laws, but are scared to disagree for fear of their reaction, there may be a sign that you are being emotionally controlled by them. They may be able to control your emotions by making you feel intimidated or threatened. This type of behavior can make it difficult for you to think straight and make decisions on your own behalf. If this is happening to you, it is important to reach out for help. There are many resources available to help cope with the emotional control of in-laws.

You’re feeling resentful and anxious around them

If you feel resentful, anxious or like you can’t think straight around your in-laws, it might be time to take a step back and assess what’s going on. Here are some signs that you’re being emotionally controlled by them:

They always have the last word.
You feel like they’re walking all over you.
They make you feel like you’re always wrong.
You feel like you can’t do anything right.

7 signs you are being emotionally controlled by your in-laws

They seem to have control over your finances

If you feel like your in-laws have complete control over your finances, this may be a sign that they are emotionally controlling you. They may insist on monitoring all of your spending and tell you where to get your money from, even if it’s against your wishes. They may also try to keep you from seeing or talking to family or friends who could provide support, and may even force you to move out of the home you grew up in. If this is happening to you, it’s important to speak up and get help from a trusted friend or family member.

You’re not sure who you can trust

If you find yourself doubting who you can trust, it may be time to take a closer look at your relationship with your in-laws. While it’s natural to feel protective of your family, there are certain red flags that should concern you if your in-laws are CONTROLING YOUR Emotional state.

Some signs that your in-laws might be controlling your emotional state include:

1. They restrict or prohibit you from seeing friends and family.
2. They try to keep you isolated from the outside world.
3. They constantly meddle in your personal life, asking about your personal finances and relationships.
4. They make all the decisions for you and expect you to follow their orders without question.
5. They make threats or use force to get what they want from you emotionally or physically.

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