Family planning is “the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children with proper spacing and timing of their births. It allows them to achieve their desired family size and contributes to improved health outcomes for infants, children, women, and families.

At the early stage of marriage, both the husband and wife are advised to discuss and mutually decide how many children they would like to have and when they should have them. They will be able to give sufficient love, care, attention, and good education to each of their children. Unfortunately, most couples do not discuss this and they end up with more children than they can cater for.

Recent research has shown that unintended pregnancies and unplanned babies account for a large number of unhappy and unstable families in the world.

family planning

The benefits of Family Planning, for every member of the family especially the homemaker, cannot be overemphasized. But, ultimately, preventing unintended pregnancies will allow the woman to:

  • Breastfeed longer which in turn reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer
  • Be at a lower risk of dying from complications during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Get more time to take care of the baby and other members of the family
  • Get more time to be physically, emotionally, and financially prepared for her next pregnancy;
  • Have more time for herself, and can participate in educational, economic and social activities
  • Give her husband increased sense of satisfaction from safeguarding the health and well-being of his wife and children
  • Have more time between births, allowing her husband to plan finances before the next child
  • Have more time for her husband which will contribute to a better relationship and a happy home

Family planning also known as birth control requires the use of contraceptives and there are many different options available varying from natural methods to even surgical procedures.  Depending on your needs and reasons i.e., to postpone the first pregnancy, space between pregnancies or, limiting family size, once you have made your decision about a method that you want to follow, talk to your doctor about it to know the details and also to know if it is safe for you. 

Now, let’s tell you about the perfect family planning methods for married couples:

1. Natural Ways

Natural family planning is a method of birth control in which you have to chart your most fertile days. It doesn’t require pills or devices.

Usually, the ovaries release an egg at about the same time each month. That’s called ovulation. The egg moves through the fallopian tubes toward the uterus. An unfertilized egg can live up to 24 hours. Fertility happens for about 6 days each month: 5 before ovulation and the day of ovulation. This is the time you should refrain from intercourse to avoid a pregnancy.

A normal menstrual cycle lasts between 28 and 32 days. Ovulation usually happens around day 14. So you would avoid unprotected sex on days 8 through 19, since that’s when you’re most fertile. 

Those who have regular menstrual cycles and are very careful about when they have sex usually find this method effective. If that’s not you, then, it isn’t going to be the best approach to birth control.

Natural family planning is free.  And has no side effects. You can stop anytime, and it won’t have an impact on your body. It also meets most religious guidelines.

Daysy Fertility Monitor will help you track your fertility and make things easier.

2. Barrier Method

This method includes condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), diaphragms, and spermicides to deter pregnancy.

A condom serves as a barrier between the sperm and uterus and is one of the most used methods for birth control. It also protects from sexually transmitted diseases and is about 97 percent effective in controlling unwanted pregnancy. 

IUD is a small copper device inserted into the uterus of the woman. Once inside, it creates a hostile environment for sperms and does not allow them to travel up to the matured eggs, thus preventing pregnancy. It’s one of the best family planning method for women who are already mothers and do not want other anytime soon.

Spermicides are creams that are used to stop the sperm from moving. But it’s not effective when used alone and should be used in combination with other techniques to avoid pregnancy.

3.  Birth Control Pills

The birth control pill is a type of oral contraceptive that women have to take on a daily basis. These pills keep a woman’s ovaries from releasing eggs and hence prevent fertilization.

However, only women who can pop a pill without fail everyday should opt for this method. You can quickly restore your fertility by going off the pills, once you decide to go the family way. It’s one of the safest methods that are advised for women who are looking for family planning tips to space their pregnancies.

There is no single method of family planning recommended for everyone; the most appropriate method of birth control depends on an individual’s overall health, age, frequency of sexual activity, desire to have children in the future, and family history of certain diseases. Family planning counseling will help you choose which method is best for you.

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