A Diligent Homemaker is a wife mother and career woman who works hard and carefully to ensure that the home is cozy, safe, welcoming, empowering, and a healing place where relationships that matter in her life are built.

Really, building this kind of home for your family is harder and more complicated than just keeping a clean and organized home with a gentle, loving tone. What makes it so challenging is that a homemaker will have many roles:

An Intercessor – A homemaker makes her relationship with God a priority and ensures it is the foundational relationship for the rest of her life especially her homemaking.

Herself – She maintains her own wellbeing for the benefit of herself, her family, and all her other roles.

Wife – A homemaker nurtures her marriage relationship, affirms her husband and various other things that help to grow and develop the marriage.

Mother – She cares for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of her children. 

Housekeeper – She cleans, organizes, and decorates the home and its contents.

Home Manager – She strives to make her home a welcoming and safe place for all members of the household and guests.

Cook – She cooks meals for the family and develops her cooking skills to reflect the tastes of her family.

Financial Manager – A homemaker wisely and frugally spends and saves the family’s income. She makes sure the bills are paid on time, and the paperwork is successfully filed.

While a lot of women have to do these roles, a Diligent Homemaker makes it her mission to successfully accomplish them. She continues to work toward her goals even when it is hard. She is loving, caring, intelligent, religious, polite, enthusiastic, disciplined, resourceful, flexible, calm, and confident but most importantly, a role model for other members of the family. The success and happiness in the family depend on her fine qualities.

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